Sunday, April 13, 2008


Always heard of car accidents and so on, seen some happen but never was i involved in one until today, though it was minor just because of some strange kind of miracle i think.......the timing was really helpful cos we missed our way, if we had gone the correct way it would have been a disaster.
Going up an overhead bridge and all of a sudden the steering wheel wont control the car despite the fact it was moving.......the brakes wont come on and the car swerved to the left continuously till it hit the culvert and came to an abrupt stop.
Talking of timing, if the car had travelled 5 metres more before the steering and brake failed my friends and i would have been seriously injured cos the car would most definitely hit the walls of the bridge which would have resulted to big damage to the left side of the car, or if the car swerved to the right same thing would have happened.
God really saved the day making everything happen at the right time and at the right place.

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